LTA Tennis Coach Accreditation – Accredited+

Accredited+ is the top tier of accreditation issued by the LTA to coaches who meet a range of requirements relating to safety and training. It is an easy way for parents, players and clubs to identify coaches who are committed to good standards.

Benefits of being Accredited+

As well as being able to present yourself as an Accredited+ coach, you also get a range of benefits, including:

  • Public liability and professional indemnity insurance
  • Legal guidance
  • Online promotional listing
  • Employers liability insurance
  • Personal accident and income protection
  • Physio cover
  • Chance of Wimbledon tickets
  • Licensed coach clothing deal
  • Free access to &
What are the requirements?

Coaches need to meet the following requirements before they can apply for accreditation: 

Required qualification

You are eligible to apply for accreditation if you have the UKCC level 3 coaching qualification or higher. 

Find out more about the level 3 coach qualification

Training credits

As a professional tennis coach it is important to continually develop your coaching skills. Credits are awarded for continual professional development. Typically, 1 credit is awarded for 1 hour's development. 

To apply for accreditation, you need to gain 15 credits within the last 12 months, to renew your accreditation you need to have gained 15 credits within your current licence year.

Please be aware that you can only gain a maximum of 8 credits from online courses per licence year.

Book onto a course and gain credits

To check if your training makes you eligible for credits, or if you have any queries around eligibility, please email your Regional Office and they will be able to advise you.

First aid certification

Both Accredited and Accredited+ coaches are required to hold a valid first aid certificate. If your first aid certificate expires during your accreditation year, you must renew as soon as possible.

Find out more about first aid certification

Book onto a first aid course

Criminal record check

To apply for accreditation, you must have a criminal record check. The check must have been processed through the LTA within the past 12 months.

Find out more about applying for a criminal record check


The cost of being Accredited+ is £60 per annum.

Login to your Coach Secure Area and review your details

How do I apply?

If you have an eligible qualification, you can go to your Coach Secure Area to make an application. You can use this area to book CPDs, apply for a criminal record check, or take any other action that you need.